Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
Jody Weinberg: Meetings you want

Jody Weinberg: Meetings you want

Jody Weinberg is a force for getting you the sales appointments you want. She can cut through the clutter and her team can get you to the decision-maker with calls and emails.

Hear how she's been successfully paving the way for others to build their network for years on this new episode.

It's not what you know, it's who you know. And once you know Jody and her team you will get to the right people.

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Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
This quick hitting podcast offers stories and tips from All-Star networkers who are everyday people doing good work.
Listen in to build a stronger network, hear why it matters and how to take action no matter what your networking experience. Start building your network today.
Hosted by Cathy Paper