Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
When doing things you find confidence comes through the hard things.

When doing things you find confidence comes through the hard things.

Kim Witczak, Accidental Advocate

Kim Witczak is a leading global drug safety advocate and speaker with over 25 years of professional experience in advocacy, advertising, and marketing communications. She is currently a very vocal Consumer Representative on the FDA Advisory Committee evaluating new drugs coming to market.

Kim went through hell, and not only found her way back but forward through her devoted work representing real people's safety in pharmaceutical care. She is a one-woman army in her pursuit of consumer protection and she shares how she created a network that allowed her to begin to right what is wrong.

To keep up with Kim, support her work, or hire her to speak on her experience:




Cathy Paper is a National keynote speaker and podcast host. To become a guest or to connect with Cathy Paper on Linkedin please reach out.

Rock on,

Cathy Paper

p.s. If you’re interested in being a guest in Summer of 2024 email

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Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
This quick hitting podcast offers stories and tips from All-Star networkers who are everyday people doing good work.
Listen in to build a stronger network, hear why it matters and how to take action no matter what your networking experience. Start building your network today.
Hosted by Cathy Paper