Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
Bruce Bildsten

Bruce Bildsten

Bruce Bildsten and I met many years ago when I was an Assistant Account Executive at Fallon in Minneapolis Minnesota and he was already a successful creative director. He worked on the Porsche Cars account and I barely knew anything about cars.

Listen in as we catch up on his career and his instinctual way of building deep connections with people at all stages of life.

And hopefully we'll have him back as a future guest at Midtown Global Market to sell Porsche Ads and raise funds for the Ukraine.

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Networking4Greatness by Cathy Paper
The All Star Networking Show
This quick hitting podcast offers stories and tips from All-Star networkers who are everyday people doing good work.
Listen in to build a stronger network, hear why it matters and how to take action no matter what your networking experience. Start building your network today.
Hosted by Cathy Paper